If you’re looking for inspiration on adventure, I came across a wonderful website powered by WordPress, that has just the thing. My Simple Country is a haven for adventure seekers.

Grand Canyon



I’d recommend the best post be 2765 miles later, an adventure to the Grand Canyon.

Click here for the post 2765 miles later.

 2765 miles is truly one adventure by the author and her husband and is a must read article.

In the coming months, Broken Arrow will be giving you tips and ideas for having an adventure. Bear in mind that you don’t need to go to a popular travel destination to have an adventure.

Stay conneted to Broken Arrow for these Adventure tips!

About Top Gun

I was fiercely attacked and was being defeated, but the Lord helped me. Psalms 118:13 Reach for the stars, not for anything less.

9 responses »

  1. Slamdunk says:

    Her Grand Canyon post was a fun read.

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  5. JODI says:

    Nie ma co sie oszukiwac i trzeba powiedziec, ze dluzsze sleczenie przed komputerem prowadzi do silnych boli oczu i glowy. Staje sie rowniez bardziej spiaca i zmeczona kolejnego dnia.. Chociaż nieraz trafia sie na takie fajne artykuly i ponownie wciagnieta jestem na dlugie godziny. Dziekuje autorowi za moj bol glowy 😉 Oby tylko takie byly przyczyny chorob. Do zobaczenie/przeczytania.

  6. juliez79 says:

    thanks for the nice words about our road trip! I’m glad you got something out of our adventure! 🙂

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